Is the South Carolina Legislature Trying to Limit Probationary Sentences?

In my last blog post I mentioned a bill, one of many, that was signed into law last year with little to no fanfare or media coverage.  What is even more interesting is taking a look at the bills that have been prefiled for consideration this year.  There are a whole host of bills that have been prefiled, both in the Senate and in the House, and most will not see the light of day.  Many of these bills languish in a committee and are never seen nor heard from again.  But you never know what it is going to quietly make it through to the govenor's desk.

On such bill is Senate Bill 20 (S. 20) that was prefiled by Senator Campsen from Charleston.  This bill amends South Carolina Code Section 24-21-410.  South Carolina Code Section 24-21-410 codifies the authority of a judge to sentence a defendant to probation.  Senate Bill 20 seeks amend the statute by limiting a judge's aurthority to

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