Changing Penalties for Refusing the Breath Test

In 2023, the South Carolina Legislature made several major changes to the DUI (Driving Under the Influence) and DUAC (Driving with an Unlawful Alcohol Content) laws. These changes went into effect in May of 2024.

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The End of the Provisional Driver's License

The End of the Provisional Driver's License

Changes are coming to the DUI and DUAC statute, effective May of 2024.

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First Time Arrested for DUI? Here’s What to Expect

First Time Arrested for DUI? Here’s What to Expect

Get guidance on what to expect if you're arrested for DUI for the first time in South Carolina, including legal procedures and potential outcomes.

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2018 NCDD Winter Session - Drugged Driving

2018 NCDD Winter Session - Drugged Driving

Review insights from the 2018 NCDD Winter Session on drugged driving, including trends, research, and legal perspectives on driving under the influence of drugs.

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What is a DUI in South Carolina?

What is a DUI in South Carolina?

Learn about DUI laws in South Carolina, what constitutes a DUI, and the potential legal consequences of driving under the influence.

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Supporting your loved one during a DUI defense case

Supporting your loved one during a DUI defense case

Get practical advice on how to support a loved one during a DUI defense case, with insights on providing emotional support, understanding legal processes, and navigating the challenges of their case.

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Coffee Jitters = DUI?

Find out whether coffee jitters can impact DUI cases, how caffeine might affect breathalyzer results and DUI charges.

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Breathalyzer Problems

Learn about common problems with breathalyzers and how they can affect DUI cases.

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